Design Centre Stories

Wild about Halsted

Halsted fabric from Colony

Ceramic company Ardmore is one of South Africa’s global success stories. Its pieces are half beautifully observed nature, and half surreal flights of fancy – a butterdish shaped like a rhino’s head, for example, or a planter with leopards prowling the perimeter. Sister interior brand Halsted takes this distinctive aesthetic in a new direction with fabrics and cushions that are just as quirkily individual as their three-dimensional cousins. Called Qalakabusha (‘new beginnings’ in Zulu), the range features nine different designs including ‘Birds Crossing’ and ‘Monkey Palm’ (both reinvented in this image in enlarged and cut-out versions). It will be available exclusively at Colony, launching during FOCUS/15. Halsted’s Fleur Heyns and Marguerite Mavros MacDonald will be in town for a talk at the showroom on Tuesday 22 September at 11am.

Colony, Second Floor, Centre Dome
